(Optional) Natural water cycle and how it can be affected by anthropogenic activities
- Use an optional comprehensive teaching module that discusses the distribution of water on Earth under a natural water cycle and how this can be affected by anthropogenic activities.
- Use the teaching notes to enable discussions in the class. The teaching module has several downloadable documents.
- Use an optional teaching module, ‘Unit 2: The Hydrologic Cycle and Freshwater Resources’ to explore the different components of the water cycle, the distribution of Earth’s water resources and the possible effects of anthropogenic activities on the quality and availability of water.
Drought and heavy precipitation
- Try to discuss how human beings could optimize the use of water resources to facilitate environmental justice globally and adopt sustainable practices in keeping with Earth’s natural water cycle.
- The teaching module has several downloadable documents such as pre-class activity sheet, assessment rubric, instructors’ notes, and lecture notes. The entire teaching module is also available to be downloaded for offline use.
Teaching Module by SERC (The Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College); Photos by George Desipris,Francesco Ungaro from Pexels